
Monday, February 25, 2013

Educational Leaders~BLOGS

Analysis of how educational leaders might use blogs:

            Educational leaders can use blogs as a way of capturing their thinking (Dana, 2009). They can use them as a reflective process, like an online diary of sorts. On a blog they can ask for guidance or advice from others about a situation or issue that is concerning them or their campus. They then can receive or give feedback to others—making the power of media a source for a particular audience for self-growth. Blogs are a way to connect with those of interest for reading, quoting, and linking to the world of news. It is also a way to collect data and maintain that data for future insights and development. Blogs can also be a place to share that love of writing. Writing is a reflective process and as educational leaders we have to practice what we preach and be a role model—even for writing. If principals model writing blogs for their staff and students, it becomes a catalyst for growing into the 21st century of technology. This then is seen as the educational leader being a part of the process and not apart from it. Through blogging we can collaborate and support one another to enhance insights, issues, and ideas of all stakeholders. Blogging can be a personal learning hub for clarification and validation, empowerment, and accomplishments.

Action Research Analysis

What you have learned about action research and how you might be able to use it?

              I’ve learned that action research, namely inquiry, is a timely, systematic process that when done properly can be very effective for school improvement. It means that a principal is going to engage in an action, study the action, and then take action for a change that will be beneficial for school improvement. But, he/she cannot do it alone. This action or inquiry process involves the work of all stakeholders involved. Depending on the improvement needed for a campus, this would be administrators, teachers, students, and community members- all stakeholders. This then becomes the mechanism for growth and success within that campus. Action research (inquiry) is  a process of questioning, reflecting, professional growth for administrators and teachers, and a tool to leading a school through real, positive changes for improvement.

            As a leader I would use action research to inquire about problem areas of within my campus. These areas might be for staff development, for curriculum issues, for discipline issues, or for school climate and motivation issues. As principal, I would become the vehicle for learning and reflection through questioning, reflecting, and growing amongst my faculty through the action research which would lead to positive changes when dealing with school improvement—in a positive way. As principal, I would have to go through the eight steps that can lead to my school’s success—setting the foundation, analyzing the data, developing a deeper understanding, exploring patterns, determining direction, taking action for improvement, and sustaining improvement. During the steps I have to continually reflect and sustain the standards of the steps to reach the level of success I would attain to for my campus and community.