
Monday, February 25, 2013

Educational Leaders~BLOGS

Analysis of how educational leaders might use blogs:

            Educational leaders can use blogs as a way of capturing their thinking (Dana, 2009). They can use them as a reflective process, like an online diary of sorts. On a blog they can ask for guidance or advice from others about a situation or issue that is concerning them or their campus. They then can receive or give feedback to others—making the power of media a source for a particular audience for self-growth. Blogs are a way to connect with those of interest for reading, quoting, and linking to the world of news. It is also a way to collect data and maintain that data for future insights and development. Blogs can also be a place to share that love of writing. Writing is a reflective process and as educational leaders we have to practice what we preach and be a role model—even for writing. If principals model writing blogs for their staff and students, it becomes a catalyst for growing into the 21st century of technology. This then is seen as the educational leader being a part of the process and not apart from it. Through blogging we can collaborate and support one another to enhance insights, issues, and ideas of all stakeholders. Blogging can be a personal learning hub for clarification and validation, empowerment, and accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. I like the set up of you blog site. You have done a great job.
