
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Action Plan

Action Plan
School Vision: Implement a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum through
                                   Effective Teaching Practices
Action Research: Curriculum Implementation
Goal: ELA classes will implement an independent reading and writing  
              program calibrated with current curriculum to improve student success
              as life-long readers and writers.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Identify and analyze units/bundles of C-Scope curriculum for reading and writing genres.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
March 2013 – 
      June 2013
C-Scope curriculum
Data collected and organized for reading and writing to match each unit/bundle according to genre studies.
2. Design and create independent reading game boards for  students with genre studies.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers, Librarian
June 2013
C-Scope curriculum, District Reading Textbook, ELA  TEKS for reading, cardstock
Completed independent reading student game boards reflective of genre studies.
3. Design and write differentiated writing activities correlated to C-Scope curriculum.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
June 2013 –
   August 2013
C-Scope curriculum, District Writing Textbook, ELA  TEKS for writing
Completed differentiated writing activities that match each unit/bundle according to genre studies.
4. Analyze state standardized writing rubrics to design assessment tools correlate to genre studies.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
June 2013 –
   August 2013
C-Scope curriculum, TEA website
Completed writing rubrics that align with the state assessment and each genre study.
5. Create and implement student notebooks for accountability and assessment.
ELA teachers, Students
August 2013 – September
Composition Notebooks, Game boards, Writing Activities Packets
Created student composition notebooks for ELA classes with game boards and activities packets.
6. Provide opportunities for student-learning communities for sharing once per nine week period.
ELA teachers, Students
August 2013-
       May 2014
Students’ composition books and completed activities.
7. Monitor student success each nine week period by analyzing individual student notebooks.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
August 2013-
       May 2014
Data analyzed from student notebooks
Teacher feedback from results from student composition notebooks.
8. Evaluate student success at mid-year by analyzing game board data and writing assessments.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
Game boards, Students’ writings and rubrics, Mid-year reflection pages/surveys
Game boards; Teacher assessments from students’ writings and rubrics; Student reflections/surveys.
9. Evaluate student success at end-of-year by analyzing game board data and writing assessments.
ELA Dept. Head, ELA teachers
May 2014
Game boards, Students writings and rubrics, End-of-year reflection pages/surveys, Teacher surveys
Completed Game boards; Teacher assessments from students’ writings and rubrics; Student reflections/surveys; Teacher surveys

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Your plan seems to be thoroughly planned. It looks like you've got your work cut out for you developing literacy activities and games, notebooks for assessment, and rubrics over the summer. I know it will be beneficial to work as a department. Collaboration will be necessary to make sure every tool used accurately measures student progress and achievement. I expect you to get encouraging results. Won't it be gratifying to know that your action plan became a permanent part of your school's instructional program? Good luck! (I wonder if there will be a point within our courses where we will have an opportunity to examine each others plans in detail. I'd love to see the games you create.)

  2. Rebecca, this looks really good. I don't have much to add beyond what Yolanda said. I agree with all her comments.

  3. Rebecca, your plan looks great. You have tons of activities that will support your research. Your campus will definitely benefit from your findings. I look forward to following you and learning more about your plan.

  4. I look forward to learning of your results. Our campus also uses CSCOPE and are using LLI as an intervention. Many of your students are continuing to struggle in meeting grade level expectations in their reading and writing. What grade levels will you be focusing on? I am curious if our campus is fully implementing with fidelity of both programs so your research will give me wonderful insight on how CSOPE can benefit our student when it it utilized properly.

  5. I love the research topic. One question I have is, who and how do you present this information to? It is an awesome list of great ideas, but is there an audience other than your students? Can you present and share this information with your colleagues in staff development sessions, once you find out the effectiveness of the plan? As a history teacher myself, I would love to see how the games are effectively utilized in your classroom as proven technique to help English languang learners experience growth in languang aquisition. Good luck to you!

  6. Rebecca, what a task!! I am very impressed with your goal of your action research plan. ELA classes implementing an independent reading and writing program, that is so powerful and necessary for ELA classes.
    I will be looking forward to your updates in the blog.

  7. Your concept is very detailed, I like how you have your evaluations set to monitor at nine weeks, mid year, and then end of year. That will enable you to make changes as needed well thought out. Are you targeting one grade level to start with or the whole ELA program? Good luck.

  8. Rebecca,

    your plan looks great! I think that you will see great results at the end because kids really seem to do well when we make the activities seem like a game. I really like that you will create game boards for the kids. This will keep them engaged and more motivated to learn. It is good that you will plan with the language arts team. Collaboration seems to be a key component in action research. Collaborating with others also help drive your instruction. I can't wait to see where your plan leads! Good luck!


  9. Hello Rebecca!

    I agree with everyone's comments. Your plan really does look great! I think that creating rubrics that align with the state assessment are a great idea. Currently, our benchmark test do not align with the state curriculum at all. I will be creating new benchmarks for our department this summer. I hope your study goes well and thank you so much for your earlier comment. It is really appreciated.
